New Account: Step One

Your consumer account information

Create a New Account
Enter your full name and email address, and choose a password for your account.
denotes required field.
First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail Address:
Choose a Password:
Re-enter Password:
Preferred Language:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Region, Province or State:
Postal or Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Fax Number:

Regarding Passwords
Passwords are case sensitive! For example, if you type Repusel and your password is repusel - you will not be able to log in. We suggest a mixture of letters and numbers, without the use of special characters such as

Forgotten Your Password?
We can help you reset your password quickly and easily.

Unsure if your account is still active? Contact our offices here during normal business hours.

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Repusel started out 25 years ago supplying caravan towing mirrors. In the course of time, however, Repusel has extended both its activities and range. Our collection is currently made up of a varied assortment of leisure articles. This is a timely response to the substantial increase in leisure time and the corresponding demand for leisure articles from the quality-conscious consumer. And especially the consumer gets royal service from Repusel!  This is by the way only done through recognized suppliers, such as: caravan, camping and motor caravan dealers, water sport businesses at home and abroad. Our motto is supplying reliable, honestly made products at a competitive price. TradeFolio Updated May 24, 2008 10:37 PM